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If no action is taken incorporating biophilic design in urban regeneration, extreme weather conditions and serious threats to life on earth will likely continue. Lack of education and acknowledgement of the advantages this type of regenerative design can have on people, the environment, and the economy will continue to go unknown. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) will continue to affect the physical and mental health of occupants in buildings with lack of natural aspects. According to the article from Science Direct, there are 30% fewer symptoms in high performing green certified buildings. The lack of affordable housing options will continue to rise if actions are not taken to reduce the cost of building and design. Incorporating this type of design build should be implemented into new builds. This is more likely to happen if education plays a major role. These are just a few of the issues we are facing in our world today with the shortage of implementation and solutions of Biophilic design. 



Action should be taken now, to create a healthy livable environment for generations to come. Our plan to incorporate education first at a classroom level then to implement it in the University of Denver’s Real Estate and the Built Environment program and finally to establish this in all engineering and design programs at the university is the ultimate goal. Some of the risks associated with this would be the lack of understanding of just how important implementing this design education into curriculum can be. Some can argue that if they are teaching sustainability and green building, why would there be a need for Biophilic design in particular? Another risk would be trying to reach certain communities that don’t have the interest to spend the money upfront on biophilic approaches. Approaching this in ways that can benefit the individuals and their families specifically can help with the peak of interest in having communities come together to learn and help with this culture change.


Having community support for the solutions we have listed would help encourage policy officials to understand the importance of including biophilia in building code laws. Some risk factors associated with changing building code laws would be the time this would take to put into effect as well as getting local firms to change the way they have built and designed for years especially if this means a more expensive way of building and designing.


Government support for utilizing new building code laws using tax incentives and tax credits would give companies more of an initiative to use some of the required biophilic aspects in a building. Some risks of this would include arguments that this type of design approach is not enough of an incentive to raid the federal treasury. Tax incentives can also undermine public accountability


This figure depicts the bridging between biophilic design and sustainable design.

CHART 2.jpg

This figure depicts the use of Biophilic features of a home and how this help with efficiency of energy usage.



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