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There is a lack of education on biophilic design in the architecture, construction, and design areas of study. An overall understanding of sustainability is not enough to encourage future leaders of building to implement this in projects. It is important to not only learn about biophilic design in school, but to also incorporate community programs that can educate groups on the benefits this can have on the triple bottom line. Understanding what good can come out of this type of building and design method is of high importance as this can lead to a regenerative building style. 

Description of System

There are many current organizations and leaderships focused around biophilic and green building, including LEED, USGBC, Energy Star, etc. However, the current system in place today holds sustainability as either a minimum requirement that achieves few goals, or just very little consideration at all.


The Green New Deal has been nothing short of controversial, and ultimately polarizing. It's issues have become blown out of proportion for political gain at a bipartisan scale. Many argue that the Deal needs to be demystified. The public and policy-makers alike need a foundation of accurate information and fact-based analysis before they can intelligently decide whether to support this response to the climate problem.


Denver is near the front of the pack with their green initiatives and optimistic energy goals. The city has planned to achieve net-zero energy on all new-builds by 2035. In order to organize and implement these pursuits in a strategic manner, a Climate Action Task Force has been established. To help achieve this goal, Denver has two code cycles for homes, and three for buildings. The new Denver base code is 15% more stringent than 2018 IECC for commercial buildings and 10% more efficient for residential homes. As part of the code development process, Denver also developed the Denver Green Code. Based on the 2018 IgCC, the Denver Green Code is a voluntary, incentivized piece of the code that is expected to become mandatory in a future code update. 


Denver is at the forefront of this push, enacting these goals sooner than many other cities across the US.

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Stakeholder Analysis

The key stakeholders in the social realm center around the political sphere and public awareness. Government elected officials have a responsibility to their voters and communities to enact the change they promised on their platform.  In order for building codes to change and Biophilic Design standards to be created, the government must play their part.


In this sense, voters also hold a key role in the process. If we are looking to transform into a biophilic industry, we must look to enact laws that support this cause.  "We" are the general public, and as such must be educated and passionate about its importance.


Furthermore, in order for a systemic change to take place, it must begin at the bottom and grow throughout. Developing buildings includes the use of GC’s, tradesmen, and many other special contractors that must learn these strategies themselves. This then begins to infiltrate the education and training systems set in place.

Current Approaches


The educational community has yet to embrace the concept of sustainable development and green building. In a paper for the UNESCO workshop, two professors argue that sustainable development cannot be integrated in an overcrowded curriculum, but instead requires a transformation of the educational system. Education has an important role in teaching people to comprehend, control, and change the built environment. According to Colin Ward; The Child in the City, due to the failure in education, children nowadays don’t understand the environment and thus can’t establish healthy relations with the built environment. Learn more about the issues and trends in education here.  


Green Building Education Services (GBES) created the original LEED practice tests as the LEED movement was growing. They are recognized as a global green building movement leader. Their vision is to be the global leader of green building education and training. They not only cater to those taking the LEED certification exam but partnered with USGBC to provide over 300 educational courses. This advances the green building movement by encouraging the community to learn about the benefits green building and design can have on the triple bottom line. Learn more about GBES here. 

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This chart depicts the key competencies and performance of sustainability. These are important for individual thinking and acting in favor of sustainable development.  



This chart depicts the whole institution approach. It is not just about teaching sustainable development in schools and universities; the regenerative approach means requiring institutions and programs to orient all their processes and teachings towards principles of green building and design.

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